1......... INTRODUCTION.. 1

1.1         Background. 1

1.2         Project Descriptions. 1

2......... PURPOSE OF THE PLAN.. 1


3.1         Principles. 2

3.2         Hierarchy. 2


4.1         Statutory Requirements. 2

5.2         Additional Guidelines. 3


5.1         Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer 4

5.2         Dumping licence to Public Filling Area. 4

5.3         Dumping permit for Marine Disposal of Excavated Mud/Sediment 4

5.4         Registration as a Waste Producer under the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme  5



7.1         Project Director 5

7.2         Project Manager 5

7.3         Site Engineers/ 5

7.4         Site Agents/ Foremen. 6

7.5         Environmental Manager 6

7.6         Environmental Officer (EO) / Engineer (EE) 6

7.7         Environmental Supervisor 7

7.8         Environmental Team (ET) /  Environmental Team Leader (ETL) 7

7.9         Subcontractors and other Employees. 7


8.1         Construction and Demolition (C&D) Materials. 8

8.2         Chemical Wastes. 10

8.3         General Refuses. 10

8.4         Marine sediments. 11


9.1         Trip-Ticket System.. 12

9.2         Inspection Programme. 13

9.3         Record Keeping and Reporting. 15

10....... TRAINING.. 16







Appendix A          Gammon’s Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

Appendix B          Organisation Structure for Environnemental Management

Appendix C          Contact List

Appendix D          Proforma of Yearly Summary Waste Flow Table

Appendix E          Proforma of Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table

Appendix F          Disposal Scenarios and Transportation Modes

Appendix G         Proposed Temporary Storage and Sorting Area for C&D Materials

Appendix H          Memo from Marine Fill Committee of CEDD

Appendix I           Control Procedures on Off-Site Disposal of C&D Materials

Appendix J          Sample of CHIT Form

Appendix K          Protocol of Guidelines to Dump Truck Drivers

Appendix L          Sample of Daily Record Summary

Appendix M         Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule for Waste Management




1             INTRODUCTION


1.1         Background


Environmental protection and sustainable development are part and parcel of the daily operations of the Gammon Construction Limited (referred to hereinafter as the GCL).  GCL will initiate appropriate actions in order to minimize, and where possible eliminate, the environmental impact arising from the construction of this project.


1.2         Project Descriptions


Gammon Construction Limited (GCL) has been awarded of the Contract No. HY/2012/07 – Tuen Mun Chek Lap Kok Link – Southern Connection Viaduct Section for Highways Department (HyD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG).  The Works to be executed comprise the design and construction of a dual 2-lane elevated carriageway between the HZMB HKBCF and North Lantau Highway (NLH) with associated slip roads, as well as modifications and realignment of sections of the NLH and Cheung Tung Road at North Lantau, and associated works.


2             PURPOSE OF THE PLAN


The Waste Management Plan (WMP) has been prepared to describe the arrangements for minimising the generation of construction and demolition (C&D) materials and disposing of the surplus C&D materials during the course of the Works.


This contract-specific WMP shall be deposited to the Director of Environmental Protection in accordance with the Condition 2.10 of the Environmental Permit No. EP-354/2009/A.. 


The WMP shall address the potential and actual impacts and necessary mitigation measures in light of the preferred construction programme and consists of the following:-

·                A review of the ordinances, regulations, codes of practices as well as contractual obligations that are applicable to the wastes arising from the Works;

·                An organisation chart setting out the roles and responsibilities of the GCL’s personnel responsible for waste management and appropriate mitigation measures;

·                An analysis of timing, quantities and types of C&D materials are anticipated to be generated in the course of the execution of the Works;

·                A classification of C&D materials into inert portion (Public Fill) and non-inert portion (C&D Waste);

·                Proposals for avoiding/minimizing, handling, recycling, reuse, return, storage and disposal of C&D materials, chemical waste and general refuse;

·                An appraisal of the potential establishment on site of a sorting facility, including the identification of potential area on-site of facilitate the waste sorting;

·                A proposal for maintaining the site in a clean and tidy condition;

·                A monitoring and auditing proposal to ensure that the requirements of the WMP are properly implemented.




3.1         Principles


The principles of waste management adopted in this project shall be in line with Gammon's environmental management system which follows the requirements of the ISO 14001 and based on a cyclical process comprising policy, planning, implementation & operation, checking and corrective action and management review.  A policy statement is given in Appendix A. Core elements of waste management are listed in Table 3.1 below and described in the following sections of the WMP:


Table 3.1        Core Elements of Waste Management


Ref. Section

Legislation and Guidelines

License or Permit Requirements

Project Organisation

Individual Duties and Responsibilities

Classification of Waste & Control Measures

Waste Monitoring and Auditing


Mitigation Measures in EIA

Mitigation Measures in EM&A Manual











3.2         Hierarchy


The various waste management options shall be categorised in terms of preference from an environmental viewpoint.  The options considered to be more preferable have the least impacts and are more sustainable in the longer term.  Hence, the hierarchy of waste management is as follows:

·                Avoidance and minimisation, i.e. not generating waste through changing or improving practices and design;

·                Reuse of materials, thus avoiding disposal;

·                Recovery and recycling, thus avoiding disposal; and

·                Treatment and disposal, according to relevant laws, guidelines and good practice.


This hierarchy shall be used to evaluate waste management options, thus allowing maximum waste reduction.  Waste reduction measures shall be introduced at the detailed planning stage and carried through the construction activities, whenever possible, by careful purchasing control, reuse of formworks and good site management.  By reducing or eliminating over-ordering of construction materials, waste is avoided and costs are reduced both in terms of purchasing of raw materials and in disposing of wastes.




4.1         Statutory Requirements


The following legislation covers, or has some bearing upon, the storage, collection, treatment and disposal of wastes in Hong Kong:

·                Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance (Cap 127);

·                Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354);

·                Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation (Cap 354);

·                Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28);

·                Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) – Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances (Urban Council) and (Regional Council) By-laws; and

·                Dumping At Sea Ordinance (Cap 466).


5.2    Additional Guidelines


Other guiding documents which detail how the GCL should comply with the regulations are as follows:-

·                Waste Reduction Framework Plan, 1998 to 2007, Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau, Government Secretariat (5 November 1998);

·                2001 Review of the Waste Reduction Framework Plan, Waste Reduction Committee;

·                Site Practice for Waste Reduction in Construction Industry (2001), Environmental Protection Department;

·                Environmental Guidelines for Planning in Hong Kong (1990), Hong Kong Planning and Standards Guidelines, Hong Kong Government;

·                New Disposal Arrangements for Construction Waste (1992), Environmental Protection Department & Civil Engineering Department;

·                A Guide to the Registration of Chemical Waste Producers (2001), Environmental Protection Department;

·                Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes (1992), Environmental Protection Department;

·                A Guide to the Control on Import and Export of Waste (1999), Environmental Protection Department;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 10/92, Provision of Refuse Containment Booms in Reclamation Contracts Involving Public Dumping, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 2/93, Public Dumps, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 2/93B, Public Filling Facilities, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 16/96, Wet Soil in Public Dumps, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 4/98 and 4/98A, Use of Public Fill in Reclamation and Earth Filling Projects, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 25/99, 25/99A and 25/99C, Incorporation of Information on Construction and Demolition Material Management in Public Works Sub-committee Papers, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No 12/00, Fill Management; Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No 19/01, Metallic Site Hoardings and Signboards, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No 6/02 and 6/02A, Enhancement Specification for Site Cleanliness and Tidiness, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No 12/2002, Specification Facilitating the Use of Recycled Aggregates, Works Bureau;

·                Works Bureau Technical Circular No 24/2004, Specification Facilitating the Use of the Concrete Paving Units Made of Recycled Aggregates, Works Bureau;

·                Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No 33/2002, Management of Construction and Demolition Material including Rock, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau;

·                Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No 34/2002, Management of Dredged/Excavated Sediment, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau;

·                Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No 15/2003, Waste Management on Construction Sites, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau;

·                Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No 19/2005, Environmental Management on Construction Sites, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau; and

·                Development Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No 6/2010, Trip-ticket System for Disposal of Construction and Demolition Material, Development Bureau.




5.1         Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer


Under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, producers of chemical wastes must have registration with Environmental Protection Department.  The registration shall be applied for as required.


5.2         Dumping licence to Public Filling Area


The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance requires that dumping licences are obtained by individuals or companies who deliver inert portion of construction and demolition material (i.e. Public Fill) to Public Filling Areas. The licences are issued by Civil Engineering Department under delegated powers from the Director of Lands. The license shall be applied for as required.


5.3         Dumping permit for Marine Disposal of Excavated Mud/Sediment


The Dumping at Sea Ordinance requires that dumping permits are obtained by individuals or companies who deliver dredged/excavated marine sediment to designated disposal sites. The permits are issued by Environmental Protection Department under delegated powers from the Director of Environmental Protection. 


5.4         Registration as a Waste Producer under the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme


A billing account shall be opened with EPD prior to using Government waste disposal facilities.  Waste shall be handled, transported, disposed and paid for in accordance with the Charging Scheme.




The organisational structure for environmental management are in-line with the project management during the course of the Works is presented in Appendix B, which identifies the major parties with environmental responsibilities and illustrates their lines of communication. Descriptions on the roles and responsibilities of these parties are provided in the following sub-sections. The contact list for the representatives of the concerned parties is given in Appendix C.




7.1         Project Director


He is responsible to GCL’s Executive Directors for overall planning, contract review, appointment of Site Health Safety & Environmental (HS&E) Representative and other site members for environmental matters.  He will ensure provision of adequate resources to address environmental matters for the Project.


The Project Director has the following responsibilities in relation to waste management: -

·         Approving the WMP;

·         Maintaining the overall control of the Contract and oversee the implementation of the WMP;

·         Ensuring that adequate resources are provided for the efficient implementation of WMP;

·         Reporting to Senior Management of Company on all environmental matters whenever necessary; and

·         Ensuring compliance of all relevant waste management legislation throughout the duration of the Contract..


7.2         Project Manager


The Project Manager has the following responsibilities in relation to waste management: -

·         the day-to-day overview of site practices in relation to waste management;

·         directing Section Agents, General Foremen and Foremen as appropriate in supervising and enforcing the on-site mitigation measures;

·         reporting to the PM; and

·         ensuring all waste records be promptly available to the Environmental Manager for record and/or action as necessary


7.3         Site Engineers/


Site Engineers/Site Agents/Foremen are responsible for the following duties in relation to environmental control:

·         coordinating waste management on site, gather data about waste and keep up-dated record of waste movement on and off site;

·         obtaining a list of potential buyers or collectors of waste to be reused or recycled; and

·         investigating potential re-use and recycle opportunities of waste.


7.4         Site Agents/ Foremen


Site Agents/Foremen are responsible for the following duties in relation to environmental control:

·         assisting Environmental Manager in all aspects of required waste management on site;

·         supervising and monitoring the works of workers including subcontractors in relation to waste management; and

·         ensuring all waste containers and storage areas are properly labelled.


7.5         Environmental Manager


The Environmental Manager shall oversee the implementation and the performance of the WMP and shall also be responsible for:

·         the day-to-day overview of site practices in relation to waste management on site;

·         applying all necessary licences in relation to waste management;

·         reporting to the PM;

·         coordinate with the Construction Manager to ensure proper implementation of mitigation measures on waste management;

·         conducting meetings/ briefings/ inductions/ tool-box talks with all sub-contractors, direct contractors, specialist contractors, utility undertakers and employees to enhance understanding of aims and contents of WMP; and

·         preparing and submitting the Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table (WFT), Yearly Summary WFT and Summary Table for Work Processes or Activities Requiring Timber for Temporary Works.


7.6         Environmental Officer (EO) / Engineer (EE)


The Environmental Officer/ Engineer shall assist the Environmental Manager to oversee the implementation and the performance of the WMP and shall also be responsible for:

·         assisting EnvM to disseminate information and requirement to the site operative in connection with the implementation of the waste management on-site;

·         monitoring the WMP implementation, carrying out site surveillance;

·         keeping environmental related documents as well as assisting on training staff at different levels;

·         assisting in the review and update of the WMP, the Waste Flow Tables (WFT) and the summary table for the use of timber during temporary works construction; and

·         working closely with Site Engineers to ensure the Contract is carried out in compliance with all waste related contractual and legal requirements..


7.7         Environmental Supervisor


Site-resident Environmental Supervisor (ES) will be appointed by the GCL. The duties of the ES’s will include but not limited to the following:


(a)      Assist the EO/ EE in carrying out his duties;

(b)      Carry out daily site environmental inspections based on a checklist approved by the SOR, and to ensure that follow-up actions have been taken promptly against defects and deficiencies identified;

(c)      Advise the EO/ EE on the upkeeping of environmental performance and standards of the Site;

(d)      Attend the weekly environmental walk;

(e)      Supervise and promote the execution of environmental work on the Site;

(f)       Attend SSEMC meetings and SSEC meetings; and

(g)      Conduct toolbox talks as assigned by the GCL’s Agent after acquiring the necessary.


7.8         Environmental Team (ET) /  Environmental Team Leader (ETL)


The ET /ETL shall be an independent environmental consultant from GCL. The ET shall:

·         maintaining overall control of the monitoring and professional services;

·         reporting directly to the Environmental Manager;

·         providing assistance and guidance to the Contractor in the implementation of WMP;

·         identifying the potential hazardous waste whenever possible and take proactive actions before problems arise;

·         providing briefing to the project team as necessary on the waste management requirements; and

·         carrying out Waste Management Audit.


7.9         Subcontractors and other Employees


Every employee and subcontractor has the duty to carry out agreed waste management practices as instructed by the Site Agent / Site Engineer. Their duties are:

·         observing and implementing the measures set out by this WMP;

·         following all environmental related instructions given by the management staff of GCL;

·         reporting any non-compliance of the waste management measures; and

·         conducting the rectifying actions as required in a timely and efficient manner.




                        The waste generated from the construction activities shall be divided into distinct categories based on their composition, as follows:


(a)  Construction and demolition (C&D) materials

(i)      Inert C&D materials

(ii)     Non-inert C&D materials

(b)  Chemical wastes

(c)  General refuses

(d)  Dredged marine sediments

(i)    Uncontaminated marine sediments (Cat. L )

(ii)   Contaminated marine sediments (Cat. Mp & Mf)


A quantities of excavated materials to be generated, reuse on- or offsite during works has been estimated and shown in Appendix D. The estimated quantities, types of the C&D materials and corresponding disposal grounds will be updated monthly and indicated in the monthly programme for disposal of C&D materials, which will be reported to the SOR via submissions of monthly waste flow tables as shown in Appendix E. All anticipated disposal scenarios and transportation modes are summarized in Appendix F.


8.1         Construction and Demolition (C&D) Materials


C&D materials comprise unwanted materials generated during construction, including rejected structures and materials, materials which have been over ordered or are surplus to requirements, and materials used and discarded.


C&D material could be divided into two categories according to whether they are inert or non-inert. Inert C&D material are known as rock, rubble, boulder, earth, soil, sand, concrete, asphalt, brick, tile, masonry and used bentonite, where to be maximized the reuse of these materials within the Contract and to be disposed of the surplus of these materials to other Contracts, subjected to the approval or direction of Supervising Office Representative (SOR). Under any circumstances that no site is able to receive the unsuitable C&D materials for the filling purpose, GCL will apply to CEDD for the public fill reception facilities (PFRF) as a back-up option.


Non-inert C&D material are such as metal, timber, vegetation, packaging waste, organic material and all recyclables and non-recyclables is called “C&D Waste”. C&D waste, excluding recyclables, shall be disposed of at NENT Landfill.


Recyclables are mainly metals, paper/cardboard packaging and plastics. Plastics refer to plastic bottles/containers, plastic sheets/foam from packaging material. Recyclables would be collected by relevant recyclers. Non-recyclable materials are treated as general refuse.


The following general low waste construction designs and principles together with careful planning shall be adopted to avoid/minimise C&D material generation. Such measures include: -

(a)       Management of construction materials such that over-ordering, poor storage and maintenance, mishandling as well as improper operation procedures shall be avoided.

(b)       Restriction on use of hardwood such that softwood, metal props and/or proprietary steel system shall be considered for false work and the shoring of trenches and pits;

(c)       The formwork shall be designed to maximise the use of standard wooden panels so that high reuse levels can be achieved.  More durable alternatives such as steel formwork or plastic facing shall be considered for repetitive areas to increase the potential for reuse.

(d)       C&D materials shall be, as much as possible and practicable, separated into reusable items and materials to be disposed of or recycled. It shall be conducted at the immediate working area to avoid loss/leakage and cross contamination during handling.

(e)       All C&D materials arising from or in connection with the construction and demolition work shall be sorted on-site and be separated into different categories for disposal at landfills, public filling areas, or reuse and recycling as appropriate.  The sorting area may be revised from time to time in order to suit the construction activities. 

(f)        Useful materials such as timber, rubble and steel/metal shall be segregated for reuse. For example formwork and timber shall be cleaned for reuse, off-cuts of reinforcement shall be sorted into usable lengths and short off cuts stacked for scrap metal.  Where it is no longer reusable, scrap steel and metal items will be collected by recycling companies.

(g)       Segregated materials shall be temporarily stored at designated areas for reuse on site. Steel will be stored at the reinforcement yards, timber at the formwork yard and rubble in a stockpile (either covered or sprayed to control dust).  Cardboard and paper packaging recovered from site shall be properly stockpiled in dry condition and covered.

(h)       In order to avoid over-order of concrete, accurate calculation shall be made prior to concrete pouring.  Close supervision shall also be arranged during concrete pouring to avoid over-cast.

(i)         Surplus concrete shall be used for paving of temporary road or cast of concrete blocks for bunding etc. as far as practicable.  In case immediate use of surplus concrete cannot be identified, the surplus concrete will be temporarily poured into designated surplus concrete pouring areas on site for further disposal to public filling areas.

(j)         Entirely cover every stock of more than 20 bags of cement by impervious sheeting and carry out the de-bagging, batching and mixing processes in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides. Damp and gather the waste cement bags for proper disposal.

(k)       Used bentonite shall only be disposed of at Public Fill area.


GCL designate suitable areas onsite for the storage, sorting and segregation of construction waste.  The areas that are designated by GCL will be clearly defined with appropriate signage and barriers (or similar) and allow for easy access by workers and vehicles.  As the project progresses it is anticipated that the designated areas will be reviewed depending upon construction program requirements.  The areas designated by GCL will be sufficient for the amounts of construction waste that are anticipated to be generated during the course of the contract. The sorting mechanism is shown in Table 8.1. The tentative locations for the temporary storage and sorting of C&D waste are shown in Appendix G.


Table 8.1        Sorting of C&D Materials

Type of C&D Material

Required Action


Reuse on site where possible or recycle off site

Excavated material

Reuse on site where possible or dispose of at approved landfill facility

Excavated Marine Deposits

Dispose of offsite at approved location


Sorted and segregated onsite, reuse on site where possible or recycle offsite


Segregate and recycle offsite

Paper/Cardboard Materials

Segregate and recycle offsite


Use recycling containers and recycle offsite

Aluminium Cans

Use recycling containers and recycle offsite


Reuse on site if possible, other segregate and recycle off site

Chemical Waste

Store in approved containers and transport offsite for disposal at an approved facility


8.2         Chemical Wastes


Chemical wastes are the substances defined by the Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation. Chemical wastes generated from the construction sites will primarily arise from the maintenance of plant and equipment. These may typically include oils, lubricants, paints and solvents.


Containers used for the storage of chemical waste shall:

·                be suitable for the substance they are holding, resistant to corrosion, maintained in a good condition, and securely closed;

·                have a capacity of less than 450 litres unless the specification have been approved by the EPD; and

·                display a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instruction prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste)(General) Regulation.


The storage area for chemical wastes shall:

·                be clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste;

·                be enclosed on at least three sides;

·                have an impermeable floor and bunding, of capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in that area;

·                have adequate ventilation;

·                be covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested and disposed as chemical waste if necessary); and

·                be arranged so that incompatible materials are adequately separated.


Disposal of chemical waste shall:

·                be via a licensed waste collector;

·                be to an off site facility licensed to receive chemical waste, such as a recycling facility located in Yuen Long Industrial Estate or the Chemical Waste Treatment Facility located in Tsing Yi.


A Spill Response Plan shall be prepared separately and implemented to deal with any accidental spillage of chemicals on site.  The spill response plan should contain procedures for:

·                Spill prevention and precaution

·                Response actions

·                Spill clean up and disposal


8.3         General Refuses


General refuses include food wastes, non-recyclable materials (including waste paper/cardboard packaging, plastics and timber) and other debris arising from various construction activities, site workforce and site housekeeping. General refuses shall be disposed of at NENT Landfill.


Measures that encourage waste avoidance/minimization include:

·                Reducing the number of photo copies to a minimum and by copying on both sides of paper for internal documents and external documents where appropriate;

·                Preventing over-ordering of office equipment and consumables;

·                Procuring green office equipment and consumables in terms of energy efficiency, recycled content and durability, etc;

·                Providing drinking facility and encouraging employees to bring their own cup; and

·                Discouraging take-out food.


Additional measures that facilitate reuse/recycling and orderly disposal include:

·                Deploying sufficient recycle bins at convenient locations to facilitate collection of recyclables including wasted aluminium cans, plastic bottles and cardboard and papers packaging;

·                Deploying sufficient refuse collection bin at convenient locations to facilitate collection of non-recyclables for disposal at landfills; and

·                Participating local collection scheme (e.g. scheme launched by District Board) if available.


8.4         Marine sediments


Marine sediment means excavated from the Works of the foundation and associated substructures at the sea. It could be classified as contaminated and uncontaminated based on its contamination level with reference to Chemical Exceedance Level (CEL) laid down in the Appendix A of the ETWB TCW No. 34/2002. The excavation and disposal of marine sediments generated shall be minimized from the Works in this Contract, e.g. only from the excavation of the foundation and the associated substructures such as the piles, pile caps and piers. In events that dredging/ excavation of marine sediment are unavoidable, the GCL shall handle/ process such marine sediment in accordance with the procedures given in ETWB TCW No. 34/2002. GCL will apply to the EPD for all valid permits and licenses in accordance with only dispose of the marine sediment at the designated disposal facilities as directed by the Director of Environmental Protection and/or the Marine Fill Committee (MFC) unless otherwise agreed or ordered in writing by the Supervising Officer. The copy of memo from Marine Fill Committee of CEDD granting the allocations for the sediment disposal space is attached in Appendix H.


8.4.1     Cat. L / Cat. Mp Marine Sediments


In case of disposal of any amount of the marine sediment in Hong Kong waters, the dumping of sediments shall be strictly within the designated sediment disposal sites and shall be controlled through a dumping permit issued under the Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466), or called a DASO permit, by the Director of Environmental Protection. Dumping shall take place at sub-areas within the sediment disposal sites, the locations of which will be changed from time to time as notified by the Director of Environmental Protection through the Supervising Officer.


Subject to the instruction of SO, notwithstanding whether the GCL elects to dispose of any or all dredged/excavated marine sediments at the designated sediment disposal sites in Hong Kong, the GCL will apply for approval to relevant authorities in Mainland and Hong Kong for the cross-boundary disposal of Cat. L and Mp sediments at the tentative disposal site of South Dangan Liedao (擔杆列島). This cross-boundary disposal option shall only proceed with the Supervising Officer’s instruction. In the event that the approval of cross-boundary disposal is not obtained in a timely manner, Cat. L and Mp sediments would be arranged to dispose of at South Cheung Chau Open Sea Sediment Disposal Area and East Sha Chau or South of the Brothers Marine Sediment Disposal Facility as a fallback option to be authorized by Supervising Officer, EPD and CEDD-MFC.


In cases that off-site disposal of marine sediment in Hong Kong Water required, GCL shall apply for the allocation of a sediment disposal site in the name of Highways Department of the HKSAR, and marine loading permits under Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap. 466) (DASO) for the disposal of marine sediment at the designated disposal facilities in Hong Kong.


8.4.2     Cat. Mf Marine Sediments


The marine sediment of Category M  failing biological tests as defined in ETWB TC(W) No. 34/2002 shall be disposed of in CEDD-MFC's designated contaminated mud pits in Hong Kong waters, at mud pit of East Sha Chau or South of the Brothers Marine Sediment Disposal Facility as allocated by CEDD-MFC. GCL shall place the contaminated mud at a location and in a manner as directed on site by the CEDD management team. GCL shall proceed with the disposal operation as instructed by the management team and in accordance with the relevant sections of the Requirements of the Contaminated Mud Pit Management Scheme which may be modified from time to time by the management team. GCL shall not carry out any dumping without permission of the management team or when the management team is not in operation. GCL will carry out the dumping operation in strict accordance with the method statement agreed by the Licensing Authority.




9.1         Trip-Ticket System


In accordance with DEVB TC(W) No. 6/2010, with tender invitation was on or after 1 November 2010, the administration of CHIT/ DDF was streamlined. CHIT in lieu of the bar-coded Disposal Delivery Form (DDF) should be used at all prescribed facilities, i.e. public fill reception facilities, sorting facilities, outlying island transfer facilities and landfills. Moreover, under the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme, GCL registered with EPD a disposal account and will adopt the CHIT as the enhanced control of C&D material disposal. The control procedure on off-site disposal of C&D materials is shown in Appendix I. The sample of CHIT is given in Appendix J.


Every C&D material disposal trip to the public fill reception facilities and designated landfill shall be controlled under the trip-ticket system as per the DEVB TC(W) No. 6/2010 in order to avoid fly-tipping. Appendix G gives the site procedure for the TTS operation.


For disposal of chemical wastes, the trip-ticket system as per the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) Regulation in which licensed collector will be employed and the chemical wastes be disposed of at designated chemical waste treatment facility.


GCL will inform all truck drivers engaged for removal of C&D materials from the Site of  the following particular points:

·         Each truck carrying C&D materials leaving the Site for a disposal ground must bear a duly completed CHIT, irrespective of the location and nature of the disposal ground; and

·         The C&D materials must be disposed of at the disposal grounds stipulated in the Contract or directed by the SOR or alternative disposal grounds approved by the SOR.


GCL would formulate a guiding protocol for truck drivers being engaged and give all of them a copy for their information. Where necessary, a tool box talk relating to the protocol will be given to all engaged driver. The protocol is shown in Appendix J.


9.2         Inspection Programme


GCL shall arrange weekly inspection attended by the Environmental Officer and SOR to inspect the site to ensure satisfactory performance on compliance with the WMP with due regards to the followings:


(a)       Inert C&D materials suitable for recycling into aggregates are recovered and delivered to Tuen Mun Area 38 or other designated recycling facilities as notified by the SOR or the Public Fill Committee (Port Works Division of CED);

(b)       A disposal recording system is operating satisfactorily for recording C&D materials removed from the Site;

(c)       On-site sorting of C&D materials is properly carried out to recover inert C&D materials and reusable and/or recyclable materials before disposal;

(d)       Paper/cardboard packaging, and metals including aluminium cans are recovered and collected; and

(e)       Plastic bottles/containers or plastic sheets/foam from packaging are collected as far as possible for recycling.


GCL may arrange the weekly inspection on waste management performance to be carried out along with the weekly safety walks for safety or other site inspections.


GCL shall prepare and agree with the SOR a comprehensive checklist for use during weekly inspections on waste management. The defects or deficiencies identified during the weekly inspection on waste management together with their respective locations and the corresponding due dates for rectification as set by the SOR nominated site representative should be entered in a summary table of follow-up actions similar to the one established for weekly safety walks for monitoring of the rectification progress. GCL may need to prepare more than one comprehensive checklist to suit the variety of works at various portions of the Site.  It is recommended that items covered in the checklist should primarily address:-

(a)       the physical conditions of the Site (e.g. housekeeping, site tidiness and cleanliness, etc.);

(b)       the adequacy of measures applied to each category of waste; and

(c)       the availability/accessibility/maintenance of waste management facilities.


Immediately after the weekly inspection, the summary table of follow-up actions shall be agreed and signed by both the assigned person and the SOR and a copy should be kept by the SOR for monitoring of the progress of rectification and for payment. GCL shall take prompt action to rectify the deficiencies identified and shall report the status of action taken before the forthcoming weekly inspection.


Should deficiency with regard to waste management affairs persists, the Event Contingency Plan as detailed below shall be triggered.  Non-compliance shall include the following situations:


·                Infringement of legal requirements with respect to waste issues.

·                Persistent outstanding of control measures stated in the WMP as identified during the site inspection or audit.

·                Overloading of dump truck


Table 9.1        Action Plan for Non-Compliance








Create a new non-compliance record within 1 working day after making an observation during a site audit accompanied by Environmental Officer or his delegate.  Environmental Officer sends a Notice of Non-Compliance (NNC) to the Project Manager / Site Agent.  The NNC would include the observations and the reasons for non-compliance.




Propose corrective actions within 1 working day after the receipt of the NNC.



Review and agree with the proposed corrective actions and make additional recommendations as required.



Implement the proposed corrective actions once they have been agreed.




Check the implementation of the corrective actions at the next site audit.  Close the non-compliance record if the implementation of the corrective actions is satisfactory.



Propose preventive actions within 3 working days after the closure of the non-compliance record.

Action party

Comments on the non-compliance record where applicable.


ET shall check whether GCL has followed the relevant contract specifications and the procedures specified under the laws of Hong Kong. In addition to the site inspections, the ET shall review the documentation procedures prepared by the GCL once a week to ensure proper records are being maintained and procedures undertaken in accordance with the Waste Management Plan. The checklist is given in below Table 9.2:


Table 9.2        Waste Management Checklist



Monitoring Frequency

If non-compliance, Action Required

All necessary waste disposal permits or licences have been obtained

Before the commencement of demolition works


Apply for the necessary permits/ licences prior to disposal of the waste. The ET shall ensure that corrective action has been taken.

Only licensed waste haulier are used for waste collection.

Throughout the works


The ET shall inform the ER and IEC of the noncompliance. The ER shall instruct the Contractor to use a licensed waste haulier. The Contractor shall temporarily suspend waste collection of that particular waste until a licensed waste haulier is used. Corrective action shall be undertaken within 48 hours.

Records of quantities of wastes generated, recycled and disposed are properly kept. For demolition material/waste, the number of loads for each day shall be recorded (quantity of waste can then be estimated based on average truck load. Should landfill charging be implemented, the receipts of the charge could be used for

estimating the quantity).

Throughout the works


The Contractor shall estimate the missing data based on previous records and the activities carried out. The ET shall audit the results and forward to the ER and IEC for


Wastes are removed from site in a timely manner. General refuse is collected on a daily basis.

Throughout the works


The ET shall inform the ER and IEC of the noncompliance. The ER shall instruct the Contractor to remove waste accordingly.

Waste storage areas are properly cleaned and do not cause windblown litter and dust nuisance.

Throughout the works


The ET shall inform the ER and IEC of the noncompliance. The ER shall instruct the Contractor to clean the storage area and/or cover the waste.

Different types of waste are segregated in different containers or skip to enhance recycling of material and proper disposal of waste.

Throughout the works


The ET shall inform the ER and IEC of the noncompliance. The ER shall instruct the Contractor to provide separate skips/ containers. The Contractor shall ensure the workers place the waste in the appropriate containers.

Chemical wastes are stored, handled and disposed of in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes, published by the EPD.

Throughout the works


The ET shall inform the ER and IEC of the noncompliance. The ER shall instruct the Contractor to rectify the problems immediately. Warning shall be given to the Contractor if corrective actions are not taken within 24 hrs and the Waste Control Group of the EPD shall be identified.

Demolition material/waste in dump trucks are properly covered before leaving the site.

Throughout the works


The ET shall inform the ER and IEC of the noncompliance. The ER shall instruct the Contractor to comply. The Contractor shall prevent trucks shall leaving the site until the waste are properly covered.

Wastes are disposal of at licensed sites.

Throughout the works


The ET shall inform the ER and IEC of the noncompliance. The ER shall warn the Contractor and instruct the Contractor to ensure the wastes are disposed of at the licensed sites. Should it involve chemical waste, the Waste Control Group of EPD shall be notified.


9.3         Record Keeping and Reporting


GCL shall keep adequate and proper records such as delivery dockets and measurement records relating to the implementation of the WMP.  The records shall include trip-ticket, completed inspection checklists and training records.


9.3.1     Daily Record Summary


Daily Record Summary (DRS) shall be filled by designated record every truck for delivery of C&D materials. The sample of DRS is given in Appendix L.


9.3.2     Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table


As part of the WMP, a mechanism shall be established to record the quantities of C&D materials generated each month, using the monthly summary “Waste Flow Table” (WFT) as given in Appendix E.


9.3.3     Yearly Summary Waste Flow Table


Estimated quantities of C&D materials that will be generated each year from the site the GCL should also be provided, using the yearly summary WFT as given in Appendix D. The yearly summary WFT covering the whole construction period shall be included in the WMP and updated on yearly basis, throughout the construction period in order to account for the revised works programme and latest outturn on the quantities of C&D materials generated from the site.


9.3.4     Performance Monitoring


To ensure the effectiveness of the Trip-Ticket System, the following item will be discussed at every Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee meeting, and Site Safety and Environmental Committee meeting or ad-hoc meetings on as-needed basis:


1.    Review the site management plan and implementation of the TTS, and identify areas for improvement;

2.    Audit the quantity of C&D materials removed from the Site (based on the DRS and survey records) against the quantities of C&D materials delivered to the disposal ground designated in the Contract (e.g. based on EPD website) and directed or approved by the Supervising Officer;

3.    Review incidents of non-compliance and discuss the necessary follow-up actions for TTS; and

4.    Monitor the follow-up action on defects and deficiencies identified.


10          TRAINING


The Environmental Officer and other site personnel (if they have not attended similar course before) shall be arranged to attend training on waste management organised by training institutes or organisations as considered appropriate.


The Environmental Officer shall arrange and provide training on waste management in the site-specific induction and its refresher training for all persons employed by the GCL or his subcontractor on the Works or in connection with the Contract. The training should cover the waste management policy, targets, measures for on-site sorting of C&D materials and measurement on waste management performance on the Site. According to ER requirement, induction training shall be carried out within first 2 days of the employment and refreshment training shall be carried out by every 6 months.


The Environmental Officer is allowed to develop and provide toolbox talks for the topic on on-site sorting of C&D materials to promote the workers' awareness on handling, sorting, reuse and recycling of C&D materials. Training material for environmental toolbox talks with regard to waste management shall be prepared by the Environmental Officer and disseminated to supervisor/foremen and subcontractor’s representatives for conducting tool-box talks to all workers or labourers at regular intervals.




The Section 12.6 of the EIA Report gives recommendations on mitigation measures of waste management. The recommendations were extracted to form an implementation schedule particularly for waste management during construction phase and the schedule is shown in Appendix M.




The Section 8.1.2 of the EM&A Manual gives recommendations on mitigation measures of waste management, which are:


·                The waste management hierarchy below should be strictly followed. This hierarchy should be adopted to evaluate the waste management options in order to maximise the extent of waste reduction and cost reduction. The records of quantities of waste generated, recycled and disposed (locations) should be properly documented.

·                A trip-ticket system should be established in accordance with DEVB TC(W) No. 6/2010 and Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation to monitor the disposal of public fill and solid wastes at public filling facilities and landfills, and to control fly-tipping. A trip-ticket system would be included as one of the contractual requirements for the Contractor to strictly implement. The Engineer would also regularly audit the effectiveness of the system.

·                A recording system for the amount of waste generated, recycled and disposed (locations) should be established. The future Contractor should also provide proper training to workers regarding the appropriate concepts of site cleanliness and waste management procedures, e.g. waste reduction, reuse and recycling all the time.

·                The CEDD should be timely notified of the estimated spoil volumes to be generated and the Public Fill Committee should be notified and agreement sort on the disposal of surplus inert C&D materials e.g. good quality rock during detailed design of the TM-CLKL project. Wherever practicable, C&D materials should be segregated from other wastes to avoid contamination and to ensure acceptability at public filling areas or reclamation sites.

·                The extent of cutting operation should be optimised where possible. Earth retaining structures and bored pile walls should be proposed to minimise the extent of cutting.

·                Inert C&D materials from slopes and road pavement will be reused for construction of the raised platform for the toll plaza.

·                C&D materials generated by construction of cut slopes along NLH at North Lantau shall be reused in reclamation works where possible.

·                The surplus surcharge should be transferred to a fill bank.

·                Rock armour from the existing seawall should be reused on the new sloping seawall as far as possible.

·                The site and surroundings shall be kept tidy and litter free.

·                No waste shall be burnt on site.

·                Make provisions in contract documents to allow and promote the use of recycled aggregates where appropriate.

·                Prohibit the Contractor to dispose of C&D materials at any sensitive locations e.g. natural habitat, etc. The Contractor should propose the final disposal sites in the EMP and WMP for approval before implementation.

·                Stockpiled material shall be covered by tarpaulin and /or watered as appropriate to prevent windblown dust and surface run off.

·                Excavated material in trucks shall be covered by tarpaulins to reduce the potential for spillage and dust generation.

·                Wheel washing facilities shall be used by all trucks leaving the site to prevent transfer of mud onto public roads.

·                Dredged marine mud shall be disposed of in a gazetted marine disposal ground under the requirements of the Dumping at Seas Ordinance.

·                Standard formwork or pre-fabrication should be used as far as practicable so as to minimise the C&D materials arising. The use of more durable formwork or plastic facing for construction works should also be considered. The use of wooden hoardings should be avoided and metal hoarding should be used to facilitate recycling. Purchasing of construction materials should be carefully planned in order to avoid over-ordering and wastage.

·                The Contractor should recycle as many C&D materials (this is a waste section) as possible on-site. The public fill and C&D waste should be segregated and stored in separate containers or skips to facilitate the reuse or recycling of materials and proper disposal. Where practicable, the concrete and masonry should be crushed and used as fill materials. Steel reinforcement bar should be collected for use by scrap steel mills. Different areas of the sites should be considered for segregation and storage activities.

·                All falsework will be steel instead of wood, as far as possible.

·                Chemical waste producers should register with the EPD. Chemical waste should be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes as follows:

-        Suitable for the substance to be held, resistant to corrosion, maintained in good conditions and securely closed;

-        Having a capacity of <450L unless the specifications have been approved by the EPD; and

-        Displaying a label in English and Chinese according to the instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.

-        Clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical wastes;

-        Enclosed with at least 3 sides;

-        Impermeable floor and bund with capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in the area, whichever is greatest;

-        Adequate ventilation;

-        Sufficiently covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested and disposed of as chemical waste, if necessary); and

-        Incompatible materials are adequately separated.

·                Waste oils, chemicals or solvents shall not be disposed of to drain;

·                Adequate numbers of portable toilets should be provided for on-site workers. Portable toilets should be maintained in reasonable states, which will not deter the workers from utilising them. Night soil should be regularly collected by licensed collectors.

·                General refuse arising on-site should be stored in enclosed bins or compaction units separately from C&D and chemical wastes. Sufficient dustbins shall be provided for storage of waste as required under the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances By-laws. In addition, general refuse shall be cleared daily and shall be disposed of to the nearest licensed landfill or refuse transfer station. Burning of refuse on construction sites is prohibited.

·                All waste containers shall be in a secure area on hard standing; Aluminium cans are usually collected and recovered from the waste stream by individual collectors if they are segregated and easily accessible. Separately labelled bins for their deposition should be provided as far as practicable.

·                Office wastes can be reduced by recycling of paper if such volume is sufficiently large to warrant collection. Participation in a local collection scheme by the Contractor should be advocated. Waste separation facilities for paper, aluminium cans, plastic bottles, etc. should be provided on-site.

·                Training shall be provided to workers about the concepts of site cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedure, including waste reduction, reuse and recycling.








Gammon’s Health, Safety and Environmental Policy













Organisation Structure for Environnemental Management